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লিংঙ্গ লম্বা কারার ভিডিও

লিংঙ্গ লম্বা কারার ভিডিও
লিংঙ্গ লম্বা কারার ভিডিও

লিংঙ্গ লম্বা কারার ভিডিও

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Hard Man Sex Tablet

Effect Mechanism : It is a lasting Effectspemary preparation,it Has distinct malehormone characteprotein assimilation and stimualating medulla creating blood function and it can accelerate bloodcell growing  and accruesperm.
Precaution:   Do not take repeatedly within 48 hours. As the highly pure and concentrated product, the efficacy can last 72 hours.
Specification:8800 mg * 10 pills (10 pill free)
Usage and dosage: take one pill with warm boiled water 30 minutes before sexual intercourse, one pill every three days for daily health care.

Price: 3500 Taka
Call for Order :01824856141

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